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Sunday, December 28, 2014

World Bible School Introduction

Church of Christ


Washington Street

World Bible School

The World Bible School (WBS) program at Washington Street is founded on the scripture from the Book of Mark, chapter 16, verse 15 which states:

"He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

The principle that guides this scriptures tells us that is it us, Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, we are to advance the beliefs and teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This ministry is a direct result of this teaching. The WBS program is not new to the brotherhood nor is it strictly limited to Washington Street Church of Christ. For many years there has been a small band of believers at this Church who quietly and diligently labored to spread the Gospel. As with many programs, time and others causes slowly dwindled the program down.

The year 2014 came a new focus on this program and the desire to bring it back to the fore front of Church outreach. Sharon Walker had it placed on her heart to grasp hold of the program and expand it as a returning ministry opportunity for the members and the surrounding community. Sharon developed a base program, acquired a space for the program and all needed supplies for both digital and mailing programs. Sharon also began recruiting new members to help reach the lost all over the world.

In November the Deacons, under the spiritual leadership of the Elders, placed Andrew Lyon as the Deacon of responsibility of the WBS program. We have since obtained a computer for online communication with WBS students, a printer donated by Brother and Sister West to further the cause of the WBS program. As of December, there are around 5 members serving multiple students around the world. Our students a from as close as Georgia to as far as India. The training level of our students range from the non-christians to errant Christians to other beliefs and faiths. We have a student from the Muslim faith who is presently in the program seeking out answers and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I encourage all who are interested in a service program of the Church of Christ to seriously and prayerfully consider the World Bible School program. The actual time spent on a lesson for one student may not exceed 30 minutes in most instances and may require less than that amount of time. Please consider volunteering in the WBS program here at Washington Street Church of Christ.

In His service,

Andrew Lyon

Deacon, WBS

Washington Street Church of Christ

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